The Passionate Bookworm 2

Earthbound - Aprilynne Pike Original Review:

Aprilynne Pike has crafted a story so unique and mysterious that you wonder where the spiral is going to lead. Twists and turns around every corner made it a can't-stop-even-for-bedtime read. By the end of the story I was completely invested in Tavia's journey and loved her character. BUT, I did not find the world building in this book as strong as the world she created in Wings. This could be due to the fact that Tavia doesn't really know who or what she is for most of the story. Now, let's talk romance!

Love Triangles, Love Triangles, Love Triangles!!!!
This love triangle isn't your typical Bella-Edward-Jacob, it isn't just about who looks better without a shirt, it deals with the fate of the world. I don't want to give away any good details but I was definitely rooting for the librarian, though he is not exactly what he seems to be. I should have known. A cute male librarian seems too good to be true... or is it?

This book combines all of the elements to make a dang good story. It is a page turner that doesn't leave many questions unanswered at the end, thank you Aprilynne Pike. That being said, every good answer leaves a trail to new questions. The first book was very good but it sets up to have a strong second book of the series.
Witchstruck - Victoria Lamb My @wordsafterwards

(Source: I received a digital copy of this book for free on a read-to-review basis. Thanks to Harlequin TEEN, Netgalley, and Edelweiss)

The book follows a young witch named Meg who is a servant to Princess/Queen Elizabeth. The story is set back in the Tudor times while Queen Mary reigns the lands. Meg's Magick gets her into trouble several times throughout the book but she continues to practice and lead the life of a witch. She is a character that was easily lovable and I rooted for her throughout the entire book. Who doesn't want a witch to survive those horrible times?

The book started real slow and it was hard to get a real sense of the characters in the beginning BUT I promise if you read on, it's a great book. I am not one for historical fiction but this book ended up being an enjoyable read. Of course, there is love and that aspect lured me right in.
Dark Places - Gillian Flynn Oh Gillian Flynn, you have the craziest books! I do not read other genres besides YA much but anything by Gillian Flynn, I will read anytime!
Isolated Howl: A Short Story - Grant Palmquist Wordsafterwards:

With almost all short stories, I wished that this would have a been a full length book. I would have loved to find out more of what happens. The story was intriguing and suspenseful. A perfect short read right before bed. Can't wait to read more from Grant!
Mythos (The Descendants, #1) - Vrinda Pendred *I recieved a copy of Mythos from the Author for my honest review*

My WordsAfterwards:

This book is a slow starter and I got tripped up by the British English at points during the story. The "ye" and "like" usage in the book was somewhat of a mystery to me as a reader. Despite these two things I really enjoyed the story. By the end of the book I was totally engaged and wanted the second book. There was suspense, a love story, and paranormal aspects! Great first book of the series!
4sign (4sign Series, #1) - Jane Hartshorn Here are my words afterwards:

1) Not my favorite cover
2) Hard to understand the story between Alex and Joe
3) British Word Choice

Those are the three negative things I found in the book BUT besides these three things it was an interesting story. The characters were intriguing and I really wanted them to be together in the end. I will definitely be reading the second book!
Heiress of Lies (Bloodtruth #1) - Cege Smith With all of the vampire books available, I was a little hesitant to read another vampire book but this book was awesome. I am very thankful to have been given the chance to read it. (LibraryThing Giveaway) Plus, finding out that Cege Smith is Minnesota author is even more exciting! I fell in love with the characters and can not wait to read the next!
Rise of the Dark Ones (Elvenkind, #1) - Ola  Olsson Elvenkind was not what I expected in a good way. The end was shocking and surprising and left me wanting more! Can't wait to read the next!
Kaleidoscope (Faylinn, #1) - Mindy Hayes As a debut novel for Mindy Hayes, I am entirely impressed. This book was a breath of fresh air in the YA genre. The flow, the characters, the romance, and the paranormal beings were phenomenal. It is going to be really hard to not write about the specific paranormal beings in the book but I want to keep it a surprise. All I am going to say is that I am glad that someone finally got these paranormal beings right, I have hated their depiction in the past. OK, I am stopping now, it would be just too much of a spoiler.
Link to original review:

The main character, Calliope, is lovable and a incredibly relatable character She struggles to find herself and discover the right path. I really enjoyed that she wasn't a whiny teenager with a poor me attitude. She does have some teenage girl moments but I didn't find myself annoyed. I really enjoyed her journey and can't wait to travel the rest!

There is romance in the novel but I am glad for once it does not overshadow the plot. While the synopsis hints at two boys, Declan and Kai, there is one more boy that plays a role in Calliope's life. I am not a math teacher but I am pretty sure that means we have a LOVE SQUARE. Even with one more boy added into the mix it still seems that Calliope isn't just thinking about boys. She has a big choice to make does she ignore who or what she is or does she become all that she was destined to be?

I just love this novel, can’t get enough of the Failynn series and have been not so patiently waiting for Ember! AND to my absolute excitement, I am allowed to announce that the second novel, Ember is out!!
Beautiful Disaster  - Jamie McGuire

I have read all the negative things about this book but I am still in love! I read this book in one sitting, a definite guilty pleasure!

Black Wings - Christina Henry Link to Original Review:

Black Wings is a fresh take in the fantasy genre. Madeline the main character is an agent of death whose job it is to escort souls into the afterlife. I have not decided if she should be considered a grim reaper or an angel of death. It doesn't really matter because I have not read much mythology/paranormal like this in the current YA fiction genre so I thought this would be a great Stepping out of Your Element book. It is a quick read with some witty parts and does not contain a love triangle! Sometimes just one man is enough!

The setting of this novel is in Chicago! It is so fun knowing the area where the book takes place. It provides a unique connection that I do not usually get with other books. There are so many times that I have wanted to visit Shreveport, Forks, or even Hogwarts! Well duh, who doesn't want to visit Hogwarts.

The main character Maddy is thirty-two years old but acts like a teenager. While most might be unnerved with this, her character felt normal because I read so much YA. She is impulsive and does not take herself seriously, sounds like a YA character to me! However, I am sure that she will mature in the next books!

My only negative with the book is the names of the bad guys. The names are all really unique and I got confused each time a bad guy attacked someone. It took me to near the end to connect the bad guy dots. I am not saying bad guys need to have easy names like BOB but the names definitely slowed me down a bit.
The Fault in Our Stars - John Green This book made me cry more than I have ever cried about a book. It might be an easy win (teens with cancer) but I still loved the book!!